Foxford Hills
When: August 21 - First Tee Time is 9:30 AM – Arrive no later than 9:00 AM
Where: Foxford Hills (
Format: 18 Hole Team Net Event Flighted Stroke play and Team 3 Best Ball Game
Entry Fee: $60.50 event only, add $5 for Eddie Wolf Cup
Payment: Select event and then click Register
Sign Up Deadline: August 10th
Event Coordinators: Bob Bem ( Tim Byrne (TBYRNE0816@COMCAST.NET) Jack Lloyd (
Playing 18 Holes with cart
PH Blue play Green (Slope of 132, 6102 yards, 70.3 rating)
PH Combo & White play Blue (Slope of 124, 5564 yards, 67.5 rating)
PH Gold play Silver (Slope of 116, 5040 yards, 65.0 rating)
DRESS CODE – collared shirts and no jeans or cutoffs