Featured Membership Fee $62.25 Event has reached it's limit of players Spring Two Man Scramble $21.00 Event has reached it's limit of players Match Play Tournament $26.25 Event has reached it's limit of players May Travel Event from $82.00 Event has reached it's limit of players 4TH of July Tournament from $11.00 Event has reached it's limit of players Memorial Day Tournament from $11.00 Event has reached it's limit of players June Travel Event from $83.50 Event has reached it's limit of players Labor Day Tournament from $11.00 Event has reached it's limit of players July Travel Event from $76.50 Event has reached it's limit of players August Travel Event from $62.50 Event has reached it's limit of players Takahashi Two Man Tournament Team Entry $186.00 Event has reached it's limit of players Palatine Cup $21.00 Event has reached it's limit of players Tournament of Champions $26.25 PHGA e-Gift Card from $25.00