Where Can I Find Handicaps and Scores

GHIN (Golf Handicap & Information Network)
The PHGA has moved to the global standard for handicapping and as part of that migration the PHGA now uses the GHIN (Golf Handicap & Information Network) system for handicaps and scores.

What is GHIN?
The Golf Handicap & Information Network® (GHIN) is a service offered by the USGA to golf associations worldwide. GHIN is one of the largest handicap management tools in the world, serving more than 2 million golfers and 15,000 golf clubs.

Where can I access GHIN?
The handicap system can be accessed either on your smart phone or via the web through your local golf association. If you’re a CDGA member web access is through the My Caddie section. The most convenient method is on your smart phone. You can download a handicap app from the app store on your phone. For CDGA members the smart phone app is called MY CDGA. With the handicap app you can see your handicap, see other’s handicaps, check your scores and more…

Do I Need to Enter My PHGA scores into GHIN?
No.  The PHGA scoring system, Golf Genius, will post your hole-by-hole scores after the event is complete.

How do I enter non-PHGA scores into GHIN?
Using your associations website (CDGA website for CDGA members) or more conveniently using the handicap app on your smart phone you can enter non-PHGA scores. The BEST way is to enter the gross score on every hole and let the GHIN system perform the net double bogey adjustments that may be needed. If you’re unable to enter your hole-by-hole score (which you should ALWAYS DO to eliminate any scoring discrepancy or suspicion) and want to enter only the front, back and total score then it’s up to you to make the net double bogey adjustments to your scores before entering the totals. Click on this short video about the WHS handicap adjustments. Remember in PHGA events the PHGA Golf Genius system will post your hole-by-hole score for you, you don’t have to do anything !!!


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