Game Improvement - PHGA Analytics

Have you checked out the Golf Genius Analytics?

Player, course and hole-by-hole analytics are available via Golf Genius from any of the Golf Genius Quicklinks

From the PHGAGOLF.COM website, off the main menu select Golf Genius and click any of the three Quick Links. Click here to go directly there. Click any lettering in blue on the pages to dive into the details.

Which hole is the hardest? The 18th
Which is the easiest? The 4th
Who has the most birdies ? Gillette and Kennelly
What is the average net to par from each tee ?
Blue tee is averaging +7 net over par
Combo is averaging +6.7 net over par
White is averaging +7.3 net over par
Gold is averaging +8.1 net over par
The stats tell you to pair with a combo player to increase your odds of victory,


Memorial Day Results


Pat Kissane Hole-in-One !!