2020 Match Play Winners
2020 Match Play A Flight Winner - Bob Doherty
2020 Match Play B Flight Winner - Mike Bower
2020 Match Play C Flight Winner - Warren Fischer
2020 July Board Meeting
2020 Match Play Competitors
Match Clash of Titans
Geier’s coach watching
Bird watcher
Joe Petricca Hole in 1 on #17
Joe Petricca Hole in One on #17
Palatine Cup - Winning Team
Back row left to right: Bill Nagle, Peter Kapp, Phil Frawley, Captain Dan Stockwell, Jim Jessogne, Ken Mattuck, Steve Fallon, Warren Fischer. Second Row left to right: John Helpap, Mike Gleinna (holding the cash as usual), Tim Geier, and Larry Niemczyk. Kneeling: Marty Kenelly. Jim Behrendt not shown.
Despite signees dropping out a week before thus cutting the field to 28 players (2 teams), then the forecast for rain, cold temperatures with windy conditions, frost, and poor course conditions, all players, plus one sub arrived. Some were willing to cancel the event, but our Chairman, Bill Knudsen was determined to proceed, and we did. Nice job, Bill.