2018-12 Board Meeting Minutes

PHGA Board Meeting Minutes

Salute HQS-7 PM

Call to Order 6:50 PM

PRESENT:  Mike Bower, Bob Doherty, Karl Costello, Bill Crowley, Joe Saccomanno, Bob Bem, Greg Brunks, Tim Geier, Bob Mathieson, Joe Petricca, Jim Romanek, Harry Spila, Jim Toth, Dan Hotchkins,  Brad Helms, Steve Nagel, Fred Hall.

 ABSENT:  Dan Stockwell(connected via tele conference), Jim Behrendt, John Helpap, Jim Jessogne, Bill Knudsen, Larry Niemczyk

1. Minutes of Oct 11, 2018 Meeting(Bill Crowley)- Karl C motion, Bob B 2nd-approved

2. Golf Course Update(Brad Helms, Steve Nagel, Dan Hotchkins) extensive review of proposed updates from engineering companies since 2010 with possible improvements to clubhouse, flooding issues and practice facilities.   Up for approval in 2019, improvements earmarked for completion in 2020-channel and/or culvert improvements at a cost of approximately 2.5 million.

 3. Treasurers report:  Joe Saccomanno- Joe distributed balance sheet thru Oct 11, 2018.   Balance sheet reflects a net balance of $8227.  Decision to remove Pay Pal as the procedure is inconvenient and additional costs.   Motion to approve budget by Bob B, 2nd Karl C and approved.

 4.  2019 Dues Discussion:  Mike Bower-In light of new scoring program and to increase the cushion back to approximately $8,000  The motion was made by Bob Doherty to increase annual dues to $60 per year.   Discussion the increase would be a three year payback to pay the program cost.  Motion, 2nd by Bob B and approved.

 5.   Park District Report:  Joe Petricca-  no report.

 6.   Committee Reports:  Mike Bower- Bob Bem:  Scorekeeper 2019 committee to include H. Spila, T. Geier and S. Feldmiller.  Bob B reported that new scoring program to be completed for 2019 season.  

 7.   Webmaster Presentation:  Greg Brunks- New website to be running in Dec 2018.   Slide presentation to familiarize the Board with the updates.  New scoring program will not print results but can be viewed on smart phones or home computer.  Golfers will have a three year history of scores/results.  Greg B switched providers from Blue Host to Squarespace.

 8.  Travel Events:  Bob Bem-sent out email to members to see who would be interested in hosting any/all the events.   Bob mentioned three members showed an interest to host or help:  Carl Stevens, Fred Hall and Jim Fieck.  Bob will follow up and report more information at the Feb meeting.

 9.  MIP Program(Most Improve Player):  Bob Bem- 2019 will be the 2nd year of a four program.  On schedule for 2019 and within budget.  Most Improved Players for the 2018 season were: Doug James, Dave Henneman and Bill Knudsen.

 10.  New Member:-Jim Behrendt- no report as Jim is not able to attend tonight’s meeting

 11.  Match Play:  Bob Mathieson- no report- committee to review program after 1st of the year.

 12.  Gem Program:  Bob Mathieson- no report-committee to review program after 1st of year.

 13.   Rules of Play:  Greg Brunks/Bob Doherty- New website will have all the 2019 changes/rules on website.  Rules committee to review any deviations from rules of play for the PHGA.

14. Pace of Play: Greg Brunks-Discussion as to rangers to be more involved in pace of play.  Greg B to contact Dan Hotchkins to see if rangers can time on holes 6, 9 and 16.  Also post pin position on 1st hole or starter to inform players on 1st tee.

15.  Historian:  John Helpap- no report as John is not able to attend meeting.

16.  Members Health:  All.  Bill Knudsen to have additional eye operation on detached retina.  Larry Niemczyk tore ham string and will be recovering six to eight weeks.   Gary Schwietz still fighting and going thru a chill period. 

Old Business:

1.    Karl Costello Departure:   Karl moving to Arizona and move will be determined on sale of his Chicago condo.   Position of Vice President to be filled by Karl until his departure.  Further discussion in Feb 2019.


2.   VOTY(Volunteer of the year).  Doug James will be honored on Feb 2, 2019 at the Cotillion for his volunteer work with the PHGA.  Members that would like to attend please notify Mike Bower before the end of the year. 


3.   By Law Changes: Bob Doherty- discussion on changing wording in by laws as who and how an member is eligible to run for a major position on the Board.   Bob D proposed an amendment.  Tabled for further discussion at Feb meeting.


4.   Salute: Fred Hall- Fred H thanked the PHGA for the support given to Salute for our veterans the past two years.    Fred H, Chairman for the Salute Golf outing on July 15, 2019, Monday at Rolling Green asked for continued support as players, sponsors, diners and volunteers.


Respectfully submitted by Secretary Bill Crowley on Dec 15, 2018.


2019-02 Board Meeting Minutes


2018-10 Board Meeting Minutes