2019-02 Board Meeting Minutes

PHGA Board Meeting (2/7/19) = Minutes (FINAL)

Palatine Hills Clubhouse (7PM)

Recorder: Karl Costello subbing for Bill Crowley

Call to Order: 7PM


PRESENT: Bob Bem, Mike Bower, Greg Brunks, Karl Costello, Bob Doherty, Tim Geier, Dan Hotchkin, Jim Jessogne, Bill Knudsen, Larry Niemczyk, Joe Petricca, Jim Romanek, Dan Stockwell


ABSENT: Bill Crowley, John Helpap, Bob Mathieson, Joe Saccomanno, Harry Spila, Jim Toth

1. Minutes of Dec. 13, 2018 Mtg. (Karl Costello subbing for Bill Crowley)

  1. Minor changes made to MIP information

  2. Jim J.  motion; Dan S. 2nd; approved                         


2. Golf Course Update (Dan Hotchkin)

  1. Permanent Tee Times Start April 27 (one week later than normal)

  2. Palatine Hills Two Man Event (April 20)

  3. PHGA Two Man Spring Scramble (April 13)

  4. Dan is willing to provide USGA Rules updates for PHGA members to start 2019 season

  5. PHGA Member/Guest may be moved to an earlier date; Dan currently in discussions about this with Bob M.

  6. Dan and Patrick Kissane have discussed Palatine Hills hosting a competition involving other local Golf Associations during 2019 (a Friday PM would be the ideal date/time).


3. Treasurer’s Report (includes 2019 budget analysis) (Joe Saccomanno absent; Mike Bower presented an abbreviated report)

  1. 2019 dues increased to $60.00 - needs to be communicated to entire membership

  2. Bob B. motion to table report until March PHGA Board meeting; Karl C, 2nd.


4. Park District Report (Joe Petricca) - No Report


5. Committee Assignment Update (Mike Bower)

  1. New Member Committee is missing Jim Behrendt now; Jim resigned his position from the Board.  The NM Committee Chair will remain open for the short term, but Karl C. will fill-in as acting Chair.

  2. Bob Doherty will approach Eric Schorsch to determine if Eric is willing to replace Jim B. on the PHGA Board

  3. Adopt-A-Hole is also in need of a Chair

  4. Discussion took place about developing a PHGA 50th Anniversary Brochure


6. Webmaster Presentation (Greg Brunks)

  1. Registration online discussed briefly.  Board reached a consensus that the membership. at this time, is not fully prepared to make any transition to online registration.

  2. USGA Rules Updates discussed:

    1. focus on OB/Lost Ball change to USGA rules - Greg B. has uploaded info. pertaining specifically to this rule (and others) on the PHGA website

    2. early consensus to encourage members to putt with the flag IN and/or discuss before teeing off WHO will control handling the flagstick.

    3. Greg B. has prepared an email to begin the education of the 2019 USGA Rule changes for the entire membership

  3. Scoring results will be automatically uploaded to the website once all scorecards are turned in and scores entered into the computer by the designated scorer; then members will be able to access immediately on their cell phones/computers these results.


7. On-Line Event Registration (Greg Brunks) - see agenda item #6. a. above


8. Scorekeeper Update (Bob Bem)

  1. New system status

    1. Up and running (ie. set up for year end payouts and printing of envelopes)

    2. New system’s capability would enable Bob B. to “score out” Travel Events from his home

  2. 2019 Membership Roster will no longer be posted on the website.  Greg B. will email at the beginning of the year a 2019 PHGA membership roster (as an attachment) to all members enabling all to have contact info. of fellow members (Bill K. motion; Karl C. 2nd; approved)

  3. Possible future cost anticipated for latest upgrades to the new scoring system = $23.00/hour @90? Bob B. still negotiating this with developer Mark Nagle.

  4. Black Tees are now included as a viable tee designation for any PHGA member selecting to play from the Black tees.  The GEM Committee will determine these designations based on handicap criteria (ie. proposed handicap of 6 or less) and the existing application process.

  5. Minimum # of PHGA players required for an event to be official is 8.

9. Travel Events (Bob Bem) - see agenda item 8. a. ii. above

10. MIP Program (Bob Bem/Dan Stockwell) - funded for next 3 years


11. New Members (Karl Costello pro temp replacing Jim Behrendt)

  1. 1 (one) new member (Mike Nugent) - click on LINK PHGA 2016/2017/2018/2019 New Member Spread Sheet.xlsx

  2. After May 1 any PHGA member not paying their 2019 dues ($60.00) will have to pay a $70.00 renewal fee.


12. Match Play (Bob Mathieson) - no report


13. GEM Committee (Bob Mathieson) - no report


14. Member Guest (Bob Mathieson) - no report


15. Rules of Play for 2019 (Greg Brunks/Bob Doherty)

  1. Local OB rule - see agenda item 6. b. i. above

  2. Others - see agenda items 6. b. ii. and iii. above


16. Pace of Play (Greg Brunks)

  1. Ranger Discussion

    1. Effectiveness pertaining to “Pace of Play”; Dan H. indicated that effectiveness is a by-product of two factors: a rangers’ proactive communication ability and a golfer’s listening ability

    2. Dan H. also recommended the PHGA Board review the “Pace-of-Play” times Dan posts throughout the season.  The Board would then follow up with that particular group. Greg B. stated he would focus on this during season.

  2. Other - no issues


17. Historian (John Helpap) - No report


18. Member Health (All)

  1. Larry N. reported that 3 Bricks (Bernie Rogers, George Gahalla; John Vlcek) and holding have already been established for the 2019 season

  2. Gary S. attended the Palatine Park District VOTY Luncheon (Feb. 2) and looked great!!

  3. Bill K. present at VOTY (Feb. 2) and Feb. 7 PHGA Board member - vision issues improving!!

  4. Mike W. new knee


19. Old Business (All)

  1. Karl Costello departure update (Mike Bower) - ETD May/June 2019

  2. By – law changes for board positions (Bob Doherty) - tabled until March Meeting



20. New Business: (All)

  1. Jim Behrendt Replacement (Mike Bower) - see agenda item #5. b.

  2. Salute 2/6 meeting results (Mike Bower)

    1. Anticipating another sell-out in 2019

    2. Sponsorships have started well = Dinner, Beer Hole and Cart Sponsors closed!

    3. Single ($195.00); Foursome ($1,000.00 = includes lunch, dinner, greens fees, 2 carts and a hole sponsorship)

  3. Greg B. proposed the idea of soliciting sponsors for ad space on the PHGA website = another revenue source to offset costs for Scoring System.

  4. Jim J. proposed a PHGA Super Bowl Party Event to promote good fellowship to be hosted at the Palatine Hills Clubhouse; couples event. Jim J. and Bob D. volunteered to further research this new Event for possible launch in 2020.

  5. Karl C. mentioned that a CDGA Net Series Event will be held at Palatine Hills (July 2019)


21. Adjourn (8:49PM):  Adjournment = Bob D. motion; All 2nd = approved.


2019-03 Board Meeting Minutes


2018-12 Board Meeting Minutes