2019-10 Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting on Thursday October 17th, 2019 / Palatine Hills Clubhouse


Call to Order:  7:00 pm

Present:    Mike Bower, Jim Jessogne, Dan Stockwell, Jim Romanek, John Helpap, Bill Crowley, Joe Pitricca, Jim Toth, Bob Matheson, Jim Dougherty, Eric Schorsch, Greg Brunks, George Nassif. Fred Hall, Larry Niemczyk

Absent:  Joe Saccomano, Rick Green, Bob Bem Bill Knudsen

Fred hall introduced Mary Beth Biersdorf to discuss the past history of the PHGA with Salute, A 3 year history.  PHGA board approved support, gave $500 seed money back in the form of a check,

Rolling green raised over 80K in 3 years.  Seed money returned by Mary Beth tonight in the form of a check.

 The 2019 Salute recipient, Austin the marine who was a paratrooper, was on the phone to give thanks for the support and donation made, Next salute update in April.

 Bill Crowley put out a suggestion to put consider putting Salute back on the agenda since we do a lot of volunteer work.  Specific ask was to allow to put Salute updates on the board agenda, discuss with the board in 2020, and just provide updates

 Clarification on volunteer vs. sponsored was made.  Motion to unanimously approve updates on the agenda for volunteer opportunities.

 Minutes – motion to accept, Stockwell second Dougherty

 Golf course update – Dan Hotchkin

Brad aerating fairways at end of golf season, next week getting blacktop on driving range new shorter dividers, will vote next week on the culvert at pk district meeting, there was discussion at the previous board meeting and the board’s decision on a no vote.  $800,000 estimated cost.

 Dan suggested sending out an email out to commissioners, providing examples of other courses making investments including Arlington, Schaumburg and others.

 Bower will put together a draft to suggest that we have members individually email the board

 Treasurer report -   Sacco out, 165 members and $7,918.04 current cash balance. Jessogne motion to approve Doughtery second

 Park district report – we beat it to death, meeting on October 22nd

 Webmaster – website will be under construction in December,

Scorekeeper. Bob Bem out sick,  will have to plan for update on the new handicapping system next year, Brunks commented on the credit card payment, driven by the event people, costs us $85 to pay Squarespace for commerce site of website, annually

Motion to keep it for one year, second by Geier 

Travel events. Dan Stockwell noted that we need someone to assist and be committed for 5 months during the season 

MIP Program:  Funded for two more years

New member – tabled to board committee

Match play its over for the year

Gem no issues

Member guest – cancelled this year, consideration for taking this to an alternate course due to weather / flooding issues

Rules of play -   Eric, reiterated new member intro for next year

Historian. Nothing today

Member health – Bob Bem is on oxygen 100% of the time, fell recently very sore.  

Old business. 

Black box is secure

Takahashi – successful this year, discussion on how we can hold the results on the web to help with the presentation.  Overall a good Takahashi , discussion on two slow players we will withhold names to protect the innocent.

Discussed having a policy for any event, holiday, Takahashi

Takahashi committee will meet to come up with a policy in writing

Palatine Cup – went very well

New business

Spring kickoff – Friday April 10th is Good Friday. So we will make the 17th the 2 man scramble date.

Will keep the 50/25/25 raffle and a couple of silent auctions.  Will also add in a few misc. items such as dozen golf balls etc. for the raffle

Flyer – update – we plan on updating the flyer to include the 50-year anniversary, Bower will contact Fred to see if park district will pay to print the updated flyer

50-year anniversary – Helpap suggested putting something on the course donating something like the fountain on 7 as an example.

Volunteer of the year – is Sacco. He may not attend, TBD.

Board committee assignments – Crowley suggested a way to communicate to the members to see if they are interested being on a committee. 

Doherty to assist spring reception.

Meeting Adjourned, Next meeting December 19th 2019


2019-12 Board Meeting Minutes


2019-09 Board Meeting Minutes