2019-12 Board Meeting Minutes
PHGA Board Meeting for Thursday December 19th, 2019
Meeting held at JL’s Pizza in Palatine; meeting started at 6:30 PM
Attendees: Mike Bower, Bill Knudsen, George Nassif, Joe Saccomano, Joe Petricca, Bob Mathieson, Jim Toth, Greg Brunks, Bob Dougherty, Jim Jessogne, Jim Romanek, Rick Green, Bill Crowley, Eric Schorsch, Dan Stockwell, and Brad Helms
Absent: John Helpap, Dan Stockwell, Bob Bem, Larry Niemczyk
Committee Reports:
-Minutes approved for 10/17/19 meeting- Bill Crowley 2nd Jim Jessogne
-Golf Course update – course closed
-Treasurers report – Balance sheet dated 12/19/19 provided, Current checking account balance is $6,307.62. Approved Bill Knudsen, 2nd Greg Brunks
-Park District – Culvert project not approved
-Webmaster update, discussed expanding CC use if we want to continue the use of CC payments, no decision made
-Scorekeeper, we will have handicap system changes to our system based on the new handicap system, will discuss more in February meeting
-Match Play – Match play will continue in 2020, this will be Bob Mathieson’s last year running it
-Member Guest- The board discussed the need to better promote this event, and discussed consideration for looking at scheduling on a different date
-Member Health- noted that Dell Foster is doing better
-Discussed getting a brick for Ed Neuman,
Old Business:
-Black Box is secure, yeah
-PHGA 50 Year Anniversary- discussed not providing a gift to the golf course, we will appoint a committee. The committee selection is Bill Crowley, Jim Jessogne, Bill Knudsen and Tim Geier
-For the 4th of July event we will most likely do Friday, Saturday and Sunday starting with Friday 7/3
-Decided to keep the 50/50 raffle for Takahashi
-Motion to close the meeting by Mike Bower, 2nd Jim Jessogne