2019-04 Board Meeting Minutes
Call to order: 7:03 PM
Present: Mike Bower, Bob Bem, Bob Doherty, Eric Schorsch, Jim Jessogne, Larry Niemczyk, Joe Petricca, Bob Mathieson, Harry Spila, Greg Brunks, Jim Romanek, Dan Stockwell, Jim Toth and PGH Golf Pro Mike Schmelzer.
Absent: Tim Geier, Dan Hotchkins, Bill Knudsen, Karl Costello, John Helpap and Joe Saccomanno.
1. Minutes of March 14, 2019, discussion, moved to approve by Jim Jessogne and 2nd by Joe Petricca, approved.
2. Golf Course Update-Mike Schmelzer. 16th hole, south side of creek the sea wall under repair and will be marked as ground under repair.
3. Treasurers Report- Joe Saccomanno absent- Mike Bower handed out updated report/balance sheet which indicates bottom line of positive $9501.75. To date 71 members have paid dues of $4240. Motion to approve by Dan Stockwell, 2nd by Jim Toth, approved.
4. Park District Report-Joe Petricca. No report.
5. Webmaster Update-Greg Brunks. Greg gave update on steps to familiarize committee on finding information, calendar, score results, winnings, etc. Also noted new link to Palatine Hills website.
6. Scorekeeper-Bob Bem. Explained new system format, identified individual scoring, information on columns and pot games to combine with total winnings. Discussion on posting of handicaps on bulletin board. Greg Brunks said he will post handicaps on board every two weeks after changes. Programmer looking at applying Takahashi tournament scoring. Mike Bower noted the Board has already approved additional funding of $3,600 maximum to adapt the Takahashi to the website and scoring system
7. Travel Events-Bob Bem advised that we will have four 18 hole Events in 2019-May 16 at Bartlett Hills, June 20 at Highlands of Elgin, July 25 at Bowes Creek and Aug 15 at Village Links.
8. MIP Program-Bob Bem-funded for 2019.
9. New Member Committee-Karl Costello absent - of today we have 11 new members. Karl Costello and Jim Jessogne to hold an orientation meeting for new members prior to the 7:00 Kick Off on Friday April 12. Mike Bower will welcome each new member.
10. Match play-Bob Mathieson-32 players filled the filled. Note that results of each match will be posted on website.
11. Gem Committee- Bob Mathieson-confirmed addition of black tees now added to the scoring program. Due to health issues some members have/will generate new handicaps based on five rounds of play. Approved by the GEM committee.
12. Member Guest- Bob Mathieson-event will be played on Sept 14, 2019. More information at May Board meeting as to location of food and drink, costs, etc.
13. Rules of Play for 2019. Eric Schorsch and Bob Doherty- to hold Rules of Play meeting held on Friday April 12 at 6:00-6:30 PM with an overview at the regular meeting. Eric has new PGA Rule books for members.
14. Pace of Play-Eric Schorsch- will incorporate into Rules meeting above.
15. Historian-John Helpap-absent -no report.
16. Member Health-members who are going thru some health issues-Del Foster, Larry Kozlicki, Jim Nolan and Gary Schwietz.
Old Business
1. Bylaw changes for board positions-Bob Doherty- no further discussions on changes approved at meeting on Thurs, March 14, 2019.
Refer to meeting minutes on said date.
2. Additional funds approved for scoring system-Mike Bower-approved at March 14, Board meeting. $3600 approved by Board at said meeting.
3. Black Tee option approved. Mike Bower-refer to Board meeting minutes of March 14. Approved by Board at said meeting and added to scoring system.
New Business.
1. Salute Update-Bill Crowley-Charity golf outing to support veterans in need to be held by Salute on July 15 at Rolling Green Country Club. To date have $9,000 in sponsors. Email blast with details to be sent to members in mid-April.
2. Spring Kick Off-Mike Bower-
Friday April 12,
6-6:30PM- Eric Schorsch to hold class on new 2019 Rules of Play
6:30-7:0O Karl Costello to hold new member orientation.
7-9:00PM- Food, drink, raffle, pay dues, pay Scramble fees, Salute intro, new members introduction, rules introduction and fellowship
Mike Bower to introduce new members.
Two Person Scramble-Karl Costello and Bob Doherty
Pizza and Beer-Jim Toth and Jim Jessogne
Raffle prizes-Mike Bower and Karl Costello
Raffle ticket sales-Larry Niemczyk
Sat April 13, 8:00 AM-full field of 34 two man teams start the season with a 2 ball scramble.
3. Missing computer found
4. Discussion on securing black box- Jim Toth and Eric Schorsch will look for a way to secure the box against theft.
Motion to adjourn by Mike Bower and 2nd by Bill Crowley.
Meeting adjourned at 8:18 PM
Next meeting 7:00, May 9, Thurs at Clubhouse.
Submitted by your Secretary Bill Crowley