2019-05 Board Meeting Minutes
Call to order: 7:00 PM
Present: Mike Bower, Bob Bem, Eric Schorsch, Jim Jessogne, Larry Niemczyk, Joe Petricca, Bob Mathieson, Harry Spila, Greg Brunks, Jim
Romanek, Dan Stockwell, Jim Toth, Dan Hotchkin, Tim Geier, Bill Crowley
Absent: Bob Doherty, Bill Knudsen, Karl Costello, John Helpap, Joe Saccomanno
1. Minutes of April 11. Motion to approve, 1st Bob Bem and 2nd Jim Jessogne-Approved.
2. Golf Course Update-Pro Dan Hotchkin. Gewalt Hamilton Construction to present update to Park Board concerning culvert repair on hole 15-16. Dan also mentioned the dirt mound on hole 16 is from dredging and will be regraded.
3. Treasurers Report-Mike Bower shared an updated spread sheet with expenses and revenue as of May 9. Bottom line is plus $11,426.98. Motion to approve-1st Jim Toth and 2nd Bob Bem-approved.
Open discussion on use of Pay Pal and or credit cards to pay dues,
Events, etc. Greg Brunks and Bob Bem shared that all have costs around 3% surcharge.
Motion to table until next meeting when treasurer is present.
1st Mike Bower -2nd Bill Crowley-approved.
4. Park District Report-Joe Petricca-no report.
5. Webmaster Update-Greg Brunks-Dan Stockwell will send Greg Brunks information on Ryder Cup to post on website. Also, Turkey Shoot info in pot game schedule and needs to be posted on website.
6. Scorekeeper-Bob Bem-new program working well. Takahashi tournament now posted on web site and testing is positive.
Program marketing strategy tabled until next meeting.
7. Travel Events-Bob Bem -1st event of the year on May 16-Bartlett Hills has 20 players.
8. MIP Program-Bob Bem- Program is set for the year and next update will be in August 2019.
9. New Members- Mike Bower- 18 new members per spreadsheet sent by Karl Costello.
10. Match Play-Bob Mathieson- 32 players completed the field. Each round will be posted on website and players to post on board in back room. Once again we are battling the weather.
11. Gem Committee-Bob Mathieson-working well as outlined on website.
12. Member Guest-Bob Mathieson. Date is Sept 14. Committee meeting will be held in June as costs will be determined as what to charge entrance fee, etc.
13. Rules of Play: Eric Schorsch- Palatine course now red lined penalty area replacing yellow. Ball in gully on hole 16 in trees on left marked red-penalty.
14. Pace of Play: Eric Schorsch-no update
15. Historian: no report
16. Members Health:all- members and/or past members having health issues: Bill Knudsen, Del Foster, Jim Nolan, Bill Sauerman and Brian Yantis.
17. Memorial Day Tournament: Tim Geier and Larry Niemczyk-as of today 11 have signed up with a 48 slots available . May 19 is the cut off for to enter. Event will have a bugler and we will dedicate 4 bricks to past members.
Old Business:
1. Secure Black Box- Dan Hotchkin, Eric Schorsch and Jim Toth looking at ways to secure black box to back wall. More information at next meeting.
2. Spring Kick Off- Mike Bower- all went well, no glitches in master plan.
3. Special Olympics Outing June 6, 2019: Dan Hotchkin requested ten volunteers to work as cooks, runners, etc. Niemczyk and Crowley have ten members lined up and will confirm names to Dan Hotchkin. So far we have Jim Haffey, Dan Stockwell, Bob Mathieson, Bob Silver, Jim Toth, Larry Niemczyk and Bill Crowley.
New Business:
1. Adopt A Hole: Harry Spila and Dan Stockwell-Looking at possibilities of foursomes to adopt certain holes possibly awarding them with some give a way as golf towel, etc.
2. Extra foursome prize from Makray left over from kick off: Mike Bowers-will use for a raffle prize at the Takahashi
Motion to adjourn at 8:30: 1st Jim Toth and 2nd Jim Jessogne
Next meeting June 13, 7 PM.
Submitted by Secretary Bill Crowley