2019-06 Board Meeting Minutes
Call to order: 7:05 PM
Present: Mike Bower, Bob Bem, Eric Schorsch, Larry Niemcyzyk, Joe Petricca, Bob Mathieson, Harry Spila, Greg Brunks, Dan Stockwell, Jim Toth, Bob Doherty, Bill Knudsen, Karl Costello, John Help, Joe Saccomanno, Larry Niemczyk and Bill Crowley.
Absent: Jim Jessogne, Jim Romanek, Dan Hotchkin and Tim Geier
Board thanked Karl Costello for his service in the PHGA as Karl is moving to Arizona.
Committee Reports
1. Meeting minutes of 5/9/19. Motion to approve as amended, 1st Joe Saccomanno, 2nd Mike Bower, approved. Discussion as to printed minutes at future meeting. Motion to send in Word format and not printed minutes. Motion, Greg Brunks 1st, Mike Bower 2nd-approved.
2. Golf Course update- Mike Bower gave update-Course trying to keep up with mowing with all the rain. Deep rough on hole 9 before bridge and left side of hole 18. Greens mowed to 5-10. Mike requested to Dan Hotchkin that par 3 dirt repair to be checked and some of the pin flags are crooked. Mike also asked that ground under repair be marked.
3. Treasurers report-Joe Saccomanno- 159 members, revenue $17,742.98 with budgeted expenses of $7,576.75. Detailed balance sheet handed out by Sacco. Motion to approve, 1st Bob
Doherty, 2nd Karl Costello-approved.
Open discussion on use of credit cards/pay pal to pay dues, events, etc. Greg Brunks, Bob Bem to run tests with Joe Saccomanno to see if feasible.
4. Park District Report-Joe Petricca. No report.
5. Webmaster Report- Greg Brunks to place survey on front page of website for feedback from members as to “customer friendly”, locating information and asked for suggestions.
6. Scorekeeper Update- Bob Bem- Bob walked us thru the scorecard lineup change, how to access players on website and explained different columns. Bob also recommended that we shelve the idea of new system marketing until 2020 as we have to fine tune the program. No discussion-all agree. Bob mentioned that he has all information needed for the TCTB.
7. Travel Event. Bob Bem. Highlands of Elgin on Thurs June 20 with 32 golfers and field is full.
8. MIP program-Bob Bem-2019 event fully funded-no report.
9. New Members-Karl Costello- Karl reported we have 20 new members in 2019. Since Karl is moving to Arizona, Karl will download and send new member data to the New Member
Chairman for 2020. In addition, Karl volunteered to remain Chairman for the balance of 2019.
10. Match Play- Bob Mathieson- 1st round completed with final round match set up this weekend.
11. Gem Committee- Bob Mathieson- no issues
12. Member Guest Sept 14-Bob Mathieson- Had 1st committee meeting. Food to be served at Palatine Hills -Open Kitchen. Looking into chipping event prior to golf. Usual turnout is 40/50 players and 60/70 for dinner. Cost to be $150.00 per 2 man team. Bob already sent email blast to the members
13. Rules of Play-Eric Schorsch and Bob Doherty- 2019 rule changes on bulletin board. Some confusion with members on provisional ball, penalty shots and where to place ball.
14. Pace of Play-Erick Schorsch-new rules have speeded up play such as leaving flag stick in hole when putting and 2 stoke penalty from fairway instead of returning to tee. Eric remarked it will take some time for all players to be comfortable with new rules.
15. Historian-John Helpap-no report.
16. Member Health-All- Del Foster, Jim Nolan, Dick Stones having health issues.
17. 4th of July Event-H. Spila, Karl Costello- Sign up envelopes near black box. John Helpap suggested to combine event payouts for winners. This will cut down the payout time as each winner will be called once to receive multiple payouts.
Old Business
1. Secure Black Box- Bob Doherty and Eric Schorsch-Dan Hotchkin will discuss with Brad Helms how to secure the black box.
2. Memorial Day Wrap Up-Mike Bower-discussion concerning the 4th of July possible rain out and how to resolve. Mike suggested the 4th of July committee discuss with the Memorial Day chairpeople to establish a precedent.
3. Adopt a Hole-Harry Spila and Dan Stockwell-no report.
4. PHGA Elections- Article VI, Section III: Mike Bower, Bob Doherty and Dan Stockwell passed our rule change to the by-laws. If members request to be placed on the 2020 ballot, your name must be presented to nomination committee by July 31, 2019.
Nominating committee will select two new directors if nobody volunteers as the by-laws written guide us as to two new directors per year.
Article VI, Section III. Any PHGA member can nominate him/her self as a candidate for any Executive Committee position within 30 days of election or July 31(whichever date comes first). The candidate will be placed on the ballot with his/her picture plus the office in which they seek.
Motion to adjourn at 8:55 PM, 1st Bill Crowley, 2nd Dan Stockwell approved.
Next meeting Thurs July 11, 7 PM at clubhouse.
Submitted by Secretary Bill Crowley, June 18, 2019.