2019-07 Board Meeting Minutes
Call to order: 7:00 PM
Present: Mike Bower, Bob Bem, Eric Schorsch, Larry Niemczyk, Greg Brunks, Dan Stockwell, Jim Toth, Bob Doherty, Bill Knudsen, John Helpap, Joe Saccomanno, Jim
Romanek, Dan Hotchkin and Tim Geier.
Absent: Joe Petricca, Bob Mathieson, Karl Costello, Dan Stockwell and Jim Jessogne.
1-Meeting minutes of June 13, 2019-Bill Crowley. Motion to approve; 1st-Joe Saccomanno. 2nd Jim Toth-approved.
2- Golf course update-Mike Bower presented email from Brad Helms-comments from Dan Hotchkin. Phase 4 of 5 upgrades- $120,000 for irrigation upgrade for replacement of 200 sprinkler heads holes 7-14. Park District Board to review flood improvement of $100,000 culvert project budgeted for 2019.
Hole 16 is leveled.
3-Treasurers report-Joe Saccomanno. 162 members, revenue $19,661.17 as to
Budget $7,576.75. Motion to approve, 1st Jim Toth, 2nd John Helpap-approved.
4-Credit card payments. Greg Brunks, Bob Bem and Joe Saccomanno- 7 golfers used for July travel event, fees covered by users, to be used for future events.
5- Park District report. Mike Bower-see update above under #2 golf course from Brad Helms email. Discussion as to possible lobbying group from PHGA to attend
Park District meeting for major push on golf course improvements.
6-Webmaster update. Greg Brunks reported 39 responded to on line survey as to improvements, suggestions and concerns. Very positive feedback as to simplicity of website. Greg walked us thru steps to see number of rounds. Greg to give Joe Saccomanno end of year summary with names, number of rounds and monies involved.
7-MIP program. Bob Bem-will update at Aug meeting.
8-New member report-Mike Bower-20 plus new members for 2019. Karl Costello still filling role from Arizona.
9-Travel events. Bob Bem- July 25. Bowes Creek-anticipated to have 40 players. 2019 travel events have been well attended-positive
10-Scorekeeper update. Bob Bem- minor glitches and easy to enter. Bob will attend Labor Day event to enter scores.
11-Match play. Bill Crowley-Players are catching up rounds in light of weather delays in the spring.
12-GEM program- Bill Crowley-working well. 5/6 players have moved to other tees based on age and handicap. No change to program.
13-Member Guest-Bill Crowley. Event is Sept 14 with play and food at the Palatine Hills. Possible chipping contest offered this year. 1st email blast has gone out and committee had planed the day. All on schedule.
14–Rules of Play. Eric Schorsch/Bob Doherty. Some confusion on OB, sand and non playable options. Discussed and clarified.
15-Pace of Play. Eric Schorsch/Dan Hotchkin. Dan reminded Board that major slowdown is putting with marking of ball on tap ins and taking flag out.
16-Historian. John Helpap. Gathering pictures thru the years.
17-Member Health-All. John Bodolay recovering at NW from July 4th incident.
Del Foster and Jim Nolan on the upswing. Ed Neuman fighting multiple health issues.
1-Secure black box. Jim Toth. Dan Hotchkin stated he will have black box secured to wall with a 2 x 4.
2. July 4 tournament. Jim Romanek and Mike Bower. All went well. No major issues.
3-Adopt A Hole- Mike Bower. On back burner until 2020.
4- Scoring system results. Mike Bower, Greg Brunks and Bob Bem. See # 6 in Committee reports.
1-PHGA Cup. Erick Schorsch and Bill Knudsen. Discussion shelved.
2- Harry Spila. Mike Bower stated Harry resigned from the Board due to work commitments.
3-2020 PHGA Board election. Mike Bower. Names must be submitted to nomination committee by July 31 or within 30 days of election. Vote for 4 Executive Committee and must have 2 new board members every year.
Motion to adjourn at 8:15 PM. 1st Jim Toth-2nd Bob Bem-approved.
Next meeting Thurs Aug 8, 7 PM at Palatine Hill clubhouse.