2019-08 Board Meeting Minutes



Call to order: 7:00 PM


Present: Mike Bower, Bob Bem, Eric Schorsch, Larry Niemczyk, Greg Brunks, Dan Stockwell, Bob Doherty, Bill Knudsen, John Helpap, Joe Saccomanno, Dan Hotchkin, Joe Petricca, Bob Mathieson, Jim Jessogne and Bill Crowley


Absent: Karl Costello, Jim Toth, Jim Romanek and Tim Geier.


Guest:  Brad Helms-Supt of Grounds and Scott Feldmiller-Past PHGA President


1.     Meeting minutes of July 11- no discussion, motion to approve, 1st Joe Saccomanno and 2nd Eric Schorsch, approved.


2.     Golf course update-Dan Hotchkin and Brad Helms


There will be a Palatine Park District Meeting on Aug 13 at 7:00 PM at Park District HQS room B and major topic will be upgrades to alleviating flooding on holes 15, 16 and 18.

The short term project will cost $100,00 and long term expense will be $1,500,000.  Brad urged any PHGA board member to attend meeting to boost the project for approval.  Mike Bower will draft a statement from the PHGA to express our concerns and desire for approval.


3.     Treasurers report-Joe Saccomanno- 164 members, current checking account balance $22,685.17.  A $900.00 expense for additional work to the program for scoring and refinements to the TCTP scoring program.

Joe distributed detailed balance sheet which indicates our revenues will

cover expenses thru 2019 with a positive rollover into 2020.


4.    Park District report.  Joe Petricca said the Park District honored the heroes who quickly attended to John Bodolay when he collapsed on the 1st hole during the 4th of July event.


5.     Webmaster report-Greg  Brunks-no report.


6.    Scorekeeper-Bob Bem-Bob did meet with programmer for three hours to discuss the program and the need for refinements for the TCTB.

           Bob will attend Labor Day event for scoring.


7.    Travel Events- Bob Bem-Year to date there have been 120 players for the travel events.  July we had a full field of 40 and as of today the August event has 28 golfers signed up. Discussion on stroke limit and committee decided to evaluate that the 2020 rules of play during the off season.


8.    MIP Program- Bob Bem-2019 fully funded and winner will be announced at the Takahashi.  The MIP program will run thru permanent tee times with 3 flights.


9.    New Member-Mike Bower-  shelved until new chairperson is announced for 2020.


10.  Match Play-Bob Mathieson.  A flight in their last round and B flight completed.


11.GEM Program-Bob Mathieson-Program working well.  We have had several movements in 2019 including 2 players moving to the back tees.


12.Member Guest Event Sept 14 Bob Mathieson-Palatine Hills with a start time of 12:30. To date we have 16 signed.  Jim Jessogne volunteered to place flyers around the clubhouse and Bill Crowley to contact all new 2019 members. 


13.Rules of Play-Eric Schorsch and or Bob Doherty to discuss yellow and red markings with Dan Hotchkin to make sure they confirm with course rules.


14.Pace of Play-Eric Schorsch-no report.


15.Historian-John Helpap-gathering pictures for a display at the Takahashi.


16.Member Health-all- John Bodolay recovering and has spent time at work.  Frank Constable fighting health issues.  Former member Ed Neuman has many serious heath problems and fighting the battle.


Old Business


1.    Secure Black Box-Jim Toth to check with Dan Hotchkin about the 2 x 4 to secure black box to wall in clubhouse. 


2.     2020 PHGA Board ballots-Motion to not have an election in 2019 for 2020

Board as the Executive committee will be filled by Tim Geier as Secretary. The vacancy of two Directors will be George Nassif and Rick Green. 

Motion by Dan Stockwell and Bob Doherty, 1st Joe Petricca, 2nd Bob Bem, approved.


New Business


1.     Labor Day Tournament-Dan Stockwell, Joe Petricca and Bill Crowley

As of today we have 38 sign ups-Committee members held meeting to determine job assignments.  1st email blast already sent to members, Greg Brunks set up on web site, Joe Saccomanno to contact pro shop for gift cards and Joe Petricca/Dan Stockwell to check black box.


2.     Takahashi preparation- Mike Bower-  detailed time line, job description,

            Assignments and check list prepared by Greg Brunks and Scott Feldmiller.

            Check list distributed to all board members.


Motion to adjourn, approved, adjourned 8:25 PM


Submitted by Secretary Bill Crowley


2019-09 Board Meeting Minutes


2019-07 Board Meeting Minutes