What's MY PHGA Number and Which Tee Do I Have Assigned
Tee and PHGA numbers are now available off the PHGA website.
Click Golf Genius then select PHGA Number and Tee
Who's #1 ?
The season leaderboard is available under the Golf Genius menu item. Click here to go to the leaderboard now.
Where Can I Find Handicaps and Scores
GHIN (Golf Handicap & Information Network)
The PHGA has moved to the global standard for handicapping and as part of that migration the PHGA now uses the GHIN (Golf Handicap & Information Network) system for handicaps and scores.
What is GHIN?
The Golf Handicap & Information Network® (GHIN) is a service offered by the USGA to golf associations worldwide. GHIN is one of the largest handicap management tools in the world, serving more than 2 million golfers and 15,000 golf clubs.
Where can I access GHIN?
The handicap system can be accessed either on your smart phone or via the web through your local golf association. If you’re a CDGA member web access is through the My Caddie section. The most convenient method is on your smart phone. You can download a handicap app from the app store on your phone. For CDGA members the smart phone app is called MY CDGA. With the handicap app you can see your handicap, see other’s handicaps, check your scores and more…
Do I Need to Enter My PHGA scores into GHIN?
No. The PHGA scoring system, Golf Genius, will post your hole-by-hole scores after the event is complete.
How do I enter non-PHGA scores into GHIN?
Using your associations website (CDGA website for CDGA members) or more conveniently using the handicap app on your smart phone you can enter non-PHGA scores. The BEST way is to enter the gross score on every hole and let the GHIN system perform the net double bogey adjustments that may be needed. If you’re unable to enter your hole-by-hole score (which you should ALWAYS DO to eliminate any scoring discrepancy or suspicion) and want to enter only the front, back and total score then it’s up to you to make the net double bogey adjustments to your scores before entering the totals. Click on this short video about the WHS handicap adjustments. Remember in PHGA events the PHGA Golf Genius system will post your hole-by-hole score for you, you don’t have to do anything !!!
Congratulations to Bob Doherty as a Palatine Park District 2024 Volunteer of the Year
Bob Doherty receives a Palatine Park District Volunteer of the Year award for 2024
2024 Schedule & Membership Sign-Up
Dear Members,
Hope your 2024 is off to a great start. With the string of predicted 40-degree temps, all the snow might be gone in a week or two. Soon enough, you will be teeing it up at PH!
Highlights of our 2024 schedule are as follows:
12 April 2024 Spring Kick-Off at PH Clubhouse 7 PH
13 April 2024 Two-man Scramble.
20 & 21 April 2024 Permanent Tee Times Start
7&8 September 2024 44th Annual Takahashi Classic 2-Ball Championship.
As you know, we will have some exciting changes this year. Entry to any of the Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day events will include a sandwich and a drink, for example.
Pot Games will begin when the course opens. That is typically in mid to late March, as you know. Let’s hope that El Nino brings us an early opening.
We hope to add another one-day weekday event to the calendar this year with Dan’s help and the help of the CDGA. The idea for the event is a PHGA Open Two Person Team, where we allow non-PHGA members with a GHIN handicap to join our members for a fun day. Hopefully, Dan and the CDGA can help us get this on the calendar in June.
As a reminder, you can renew your 2024 membership here https://www.phgagolf.com/phga-store/membership-fee . First, you need a GHIN handicap number. If you don’t have one, you can obtain one by joining the CDGA here https://www.cdga.org/golf-membership/ . If you haven’t joined before, when you sign up for the CDGA, choose the “New Membership through the CDGA Member’s Club” option when you get to the below screen.
Looking forward to seeing you and an early pot game or at our spring kick-off.
Best wishes,
2024 PHGA Changes and Golf Genius
What a great 2023 season we had, including pot games that did not end until 19 NOV 2023! Now that PH has closed, I write on behalf of the PHGA Board to provide advance notice of PHGA changes for the 2024 season.
Members will have to have a GHIN Handicap Index, which will be used for all PHGA events, in addition to a PHGA membership.
If you already have a GHIN Index please make sure to renew it for 2024
If you don’t have a GHIN Index, you will need to join the CDGA in 2024. You can join the CDGA here https://www.cdga.org/golf-membership/ . CDGA will provide you with a GHIN number.
For those acquiring a new CDGA GHIN we can have your last 20 PHGA rounds transferred into your GHIN Index once we get your GHIN number.
You will provide your GHIN number to the PHGA when you sign up for the PHGA in 2024.
Golf Genius will be the scoring system for the PHGA.
You will still turn in scorecards in the same way you always have and the scorer will enter them into the system.
Our events will be almost identical to any previous year. As with any change, there will be some small differences. The Golf Genius system has been tested in the fall of 2023 with selected 2023 events and it passed the test. No problems are anticipated in 2024. The change to Golf Genius was deemed by the Board to be important to the long-term smooth operation of the PHGA, and your patience and understanding in the first year of its implementation is welcome and will be appreciated.
Links to streamlined sign-up, results, and statistics provided by Golf Genius will be on the PHGA website in 2024.
Holiday Events: Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day
Entry will include lunch and a drink.
Winnings from holiday events will accumulate in your season winnings and be paid out at the Takahashi Kick Off and Tee Time Draw.
Pot Games
Poker and Stinkeroo have been retired and will not be part of play going forward.
Sorry, earn your $$$ by playing well.
I hope that some warm weather allows you to play here or somewhere else this winter. Here’s hoping that we re-open Palatine Hills in mid to late March of 2024