Mike Bower
Hi Members,
Here is a link to Mike Bower's Obituary! Unfortunately, it doesn't list if there will be a service or any dates or time.
If I receive any further information, I will send it out to everyone, ASAP.
Mark Faruzzi
Submit Pictures/Videos from your Phone
Do you have a great PHGA picture or video to share? Or something of interest happens while playing in a PHGA event? Use the new Contribute Photos (under the Photos menu option) to upload a previous taken picture/video or use your phone to take a picture/video live. The picture or video is limited in size to 10MB.
Simply complete the form (before or after your image is ready), click the + Add a File and select the source, to take a live picture or video from your phone select Take Photo or Video. Depending upon your phone settings, videos can generally be up to 20 - 30 seconds in length.
All pictures and videos will be sent to the website administrator before being posted to ensure the content is related to the PHGA.
Start 2025 with a Laugh
“I have a tip that can take five strokes off anyone’s game: it’s called an eraser.” — Arnold Palmer
“They call it golf because all the other four letter words were taken.” — Raymond Floyd
“I know I am getting better at golf because I am hitting fewer spectators.” — Gerald R. Ford
“Sex and golf are the two things you can enjoy even if you’re not good at them.” — Roy ‘Tin Cup’ McAvoy
“If you drink, don’t drive. Don’t even putt.” — Dean Martin
“Golf is a game in which you yell fore, shoot six, and write down five.” — Paul Harvey
“Golf?! You hit down to make the ball go up. You swing left and the ball goes right. The lowest score wins. And, on top of that, the winner buys the drinks.” — Unknown
“If you think it’s hard to meet new people, try picking up the wrong golf ball.” — Jack Lemmon
“The difference in golf and government is that in golf you can’t improve your lie.” — George Deukmejian
"Pressure is when you play $5 a hole with only $2 in your pocket."- Lee Trevino
Palatine Hills Closing for 2024 on November 18
Last day the course will be open is November 17. Closed for the season starting November 18.
Palatine Cup - Steamrollers 150 over the Bombers 120
Steamrollers 150 over the Bombers 120. Great weather set up by Steve Fallon and a great group of guys. I wanted to highlight Steve Gillette, Art Rush, Ken Mattuck and Phil Frawley who were key contributors and the entire team. The greens were fast and the Couse was in great shape. Thanks again to everybody who participated.
Bill Knudsen.
Know Your Golf Genius Results
The July 4th tournament was a success thanks to Jim Romanek’s and Jim Jessogne’s efforts as tournament directors.
On the scoring end we had an oddity that was confirmed by Golf Genius support as an expected result. Specifically the Player Purse Summary for 4th did not show the full amount won by individuals during the day. Upon further investigation it was determined that the player purse did not include the 36 and 54 hole payout to those that won money by participating in the 4th of July 36 and 54 hole tournaments.
This, per Golf Genius, is as designed, the Player Purse Summary only includes the results of the round play that day. Since the 36 and 54 hole tournaments are multi-day tournaments, even though their final round was the same day, it’s excluded from the Player Purse Summary for that day. Make sense? Not to us, so we submitted an enhancement request to Golf Genius to change the purse summary to include all tournament results that complete on the day displayed.
Anyway, the 36 and 54 hole tournament results are included in the Season League Leaderboard under Completed Mulit-Round Tournaments for each individual name. For instance, if I click on Ken Emerich I see his payout from the July 4th 36 under Completed Multi-Round Tournaments. Also, if you click on any individual name in blue you can then expand more details by clicking the (+) sign next to the round date to see the details.
PHGA at the Special Olympics Charity Golf Scramble
On June 6, 2024, Palatine Hills hosted the annual "Special Olympics Charity Golf Scramble" which supports the SLSF (Special Leisure Services Foundation) in support of recreation for children and adults with disabilities. Over 114 golfers joined in the scramble supporting this cause.
For several years Palatine Hills has utilized PHGA volunteers to manage 3 course stations in cooking hotdogs and supplying refreshments for the participating players.
This year our volunteers were Bob Silver, John Helpap, Rich Pipala, George Nassif, Jack Lloyd (and wife), Rick Green, Dan Hengels, Jim Haffey, Ken Emmerich (DeChambeau), and Dan Stockwell. The later 3 volunteers (pictured) claimed the best hotdogs (chili cheese dogs) and proprietary "Birdie Juice" as participants teed off on hole number 13.
The PHGA Needs You !!
PHGA Board Openings
We are looking for members that want to help guide the PHGA into the future. If you’re interested please complete the contact form below to reach the board nominating committee.
Game Improvement - PHGA Analytics
Have you checked out the Golf Genius Analytics?
Player, course and hole-by-hole analytics are available via Golf Genius from any of the Golf Genius Quicklinks
From the PHGAGOLF.COM website, off the main menu select Golf Genius and click any of the three Quick Links. Click here to go directly there. Click any lettering in blue on the pages to dive into the details.
Which hole is the hardest? The 18th
Which is the easiest? The 4th
Who has the most birdies ? Gillette and Kennelly
What is the average net to par from each tee ?
Blue tee is averaging +7 net over par
Combo is averaging +6.7 net over par
White is averaging +7.3 net over par
Gold is averaging +8.1 net over par
The stats tell you to pair with a combo player to increase your odds of victory,