greg brunks greg brunks

2019-08 Board Meeting Minutes



Call to order: 7:00 PM


Present: Mike Bower, Bob Bem, Eric Schorsch, Larry Niemczyk, Greg Brunks, Dan Stockwell, Bob Doherty, Bill Knudsen, John Helpap, Joe Saccomanno, Dan Hotchkin, Joe Petricca, Bob Mathieson, Jim Jessogne and Bill Crowley


Absent: Karl Costello, Jim Toth, Jim Romanek and Tim Geier.


Guest:  Brad Helms-Supt of Grounds and Scott Feldmiller-Past PHGA President


1.     Meeting minutes of July 11- no discussion, motion to approve, 1st Joe Saccomanno and 2nd Eric Schorsch, approved.


2.     Golf course update-Dan Hotchkin and Brad Helms


There will be a Palatine Park District Meeting on Aug 13 at 7:00 PM at Park District HQS room B and major topic will be upgrades to alleviating flooding on holes 15, 16 and 18.

The short term project will cost $100,00 and long term expense will be $1,500,000.  Brad urged any PHGA board member to attend meeting to boost the project for approval.  Mike Bower will draft a statement from the PHGA to express our concerns and desire for approval.


3.     Treasurers report-Joe Saccomanno- 164 members, current checking account balance $22,685.17.  A $900.00 expense for additional work to the program for scoring and refinements to the TCTP scoring program.

Joe distributed detailed balance sheet which indicates our revenues will

cover expenses thru 2019 with a positive rollover into 2020.


4.    Park District report.  Joe Petricca said the Park District honored the heroes who quickly attended to John Bodolay when he collapsed on the 1st hole during the 4th of July event.


5.     Webmaster report-Greg  Brunks-no report.


6.    Scorekeeper-Bob Bem-Bob did meet with programmer for three hours to discuss the program and the need for refinements for the TCTB.

           Bob will attend Labor Day event for scoring.


7.    Travel Events- Bob Bem-Year to date there have been 120 players for the travel events.  July we had a full field of 40 and as of today the August event has 28 golfers signed up. Discussion on stroke limit and committee decided to evaluate that the 2020 rules of play during the off season.


8.    MIP Program- Bob Bem-2019 fully funded and winner will be announced at the Takahashi.  The MIP program will run thru permanent tee times with 3 flights.


9.    New Member-Mike Bower-  shelved until new chairperson is announced for 2020.


10.  Match Play-Bob Mathieson.  A flight in their last round and B flight completed.


11.GEM Program-Bob Mathieson-Program working well.  We have had several movements in 2019 including 2 players moving to the back tees.


12.Member Guest Event Sept 14 Bob Mathieson-Palatine Hills with a start time of 12:30. To date we have 16 signed.  Jim Jessogne volunteered to place flyers around the clubhouse and Bill Crowley to contact all new 2019 members. 


13.Rules of Play-Eric Schorsch and or Bob Doherty to discuss yellow and red markings with Dan Hotchkin to make sure they confirm with course rules.


14.Pace of Play-Eric Schorsch-no report.


15.Historian-John Helpap-gathering pictures for a display at the Takahashi.


16.Member Health-all- John Bodolay recovering and has spent time at work.  Frank Constable fighting health issues.  Former member Ed Neuman has many serious heath problems and fighting the battle.


Old Business


1.    Secure Black Box-Jim Toth to check with Dan Hotchkin about the 2 x 4 to secure black box to wall in clubhouse. 


2.     2020 PHGA Board ballots-Motion to not have an election in 2019 for 2020

Board as the Executive committee will be filled by Tim Geier as Secretary. The vacancy of two Directors will be George Nassif and Rick Green. 

Motion by Dan Stockwell and Bob Doherty, 1st Joe Petricca, 2nd Bob Bem, approved.


New Business


1.     Labor Day Tournament-Dan Stockwell, Joe Petricca and Bill Crowley

As of today we have 38 sign ups-Committee members held meeting to determine job assignments.  1st email blast already sent to members, Greg Brunks set up on web site, Joe Saccomanno to contact pro shop for gift cards and Joe Petricca/Dan Stockwell to check black box.


2.     Takahashi preparation- Mike Bower-  detailed time line, job description,

            Assignments and check list prepared by Greg Brunks and Scott Feldmiller.

            Check list distributed to all board members.


Motion to adjourn, approved, adjourned 8:25 PM


Submitted by Secretary Bill Crowley

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greg brunks greg brunks

2019-07 Board Meeting Minutes



Call to order: 7:00 PM


Present:  Mike Bower, Bob Bem, Eric Schorsch, Larry Niemczyk, Greg Brunks, Dan Stockwell, Jim Toth, Bob Doherty, Bill Knudsen, John Helpap, Joe Saccomanno, Jim

Romanek, Dan Hotchkin and Tim Geier.


Absent:  Joe Petricca, Bob Mathieson, Karl Costello, Dan Stockwell and Jim Jessogne.




1-Meeting minutes of June 13, 2019-Bill Crowley.  Motion to approve; 1st-Joe Saccomanno. 2nd Jim Toth-approved.


2- Golf course update-Mike Bower presented email from Brad Helms-comments from Dan Hotchkin.  Phase 4 of 5 upgrades- $120,000 for irrigation upgrade for replacement of 200 sprinkler heads holes 7-14.  Park District Board to review flood improvement of $100,000 culvert project budgeted for 2019.

Hole 16 is leveled. 


3-Treasurers report-Joe Saccomanno. 162 members, revenue $19,661.17 as to

Budget $7,576.75.  Motion to approve, 1st Jim Toth, 2nd John Helpap-approved.


4-Credit card payments. Greg Brunks, Bob Bem and Joe Saccomanno- 7 golfers used for July travel event, fees covered by users, to be used for future events.


5- Park District report.  Mike Bower-see update above under #2 golf course from Brad Helms email.  Discussion as to possible lobbying group from PHGA to attend

Park District meeting for major push on golf course improvements.


6-Webmaster update. Greg Brunks reported 39 responded to on line survey as to improvements, suggestions and concerns.  Very positive feedback as to simplicity of website. Greg walked us thru steps to see number of rounds.  Greg to give Joe Saccomanno end of year summary with names, number of rounds and monies involved.


7-MIP program.   Bob Bem-will update at Aug meeting.


8-New member report-Mike Bower-20 plus new members for 2019.  Karl Costello still filling role from Arizona.




9-Travel events.   Bob Bem- July 25. Bowes Creek-anticipated to have 40 players.  2019 travel events have been well attended-positive


10-Scorekeeper update.  Bob Bem-  minor glitches and easy to enter.  Bob will attend Labor Day event to enter scores. 


11-Match play.  Bill Crowley-Players are catching up rounds in light of weather delays in the spring.


12-GEM program- Bill Crowley-working well.  5/6 players have moved to other tees based on age and handicap.  No change to program.


13-Member Guest-Bill Crowley. Event is Sept 14 with play and food at the Palatine Hills.  Possible chipping contest offered this year.  1st email blast has gone out and committee had  planed the day.  All on schedule.


14–Rules of Play. Eric Schorsch/Bob Doherty.  Some confusion on OB, sand and non playable options.  Discussed and clarified.


15-Pace of Play.  Eric Schorsch/Dan Hotchkin.  Dan reminded Board that major slowdown is putting with marking of  ball on tap ins and taking flag out.


16-Historian. John Helpap.  Gathering pictures thru the years.


17-Member Health-All.  John Bodolay recovering at NW from July 4th incident.

Del Foster and Jim Nolan on the upswing.  Ed Neuman fighting multiple health issues.




1-Secure black box.  Jim Toth.  Dan Hotchkin stated he will have black box secured to wall with a 2 x 4.


2.  July 4 tournament.  Jim Romanek and Mike Bower.  All went well.  No major issues.


3-Adopt A Hole- Mike Bower.  On back burner until 2020.


4- Scoring system results.  Mike Bower, Greg Brunks and Bob Bem.  See # 6 in Committee reports.




1-PHGA Cup.   Erick Schorsch and Bill Knudsen.  Discussion shelved.


2- Harry Spila.  Mike Bower stated Harry resigned from the Board due to work commitments.


3-2020 PHGA Board election.  Mike Bower.  Names must be submitted to nomination committee by July 31 or within 30 days of election.  Vote for 4  Executive Committee and must have 2 new board members every year.


Motion to adjourn at 8:15 PM.  1st Jim Toth-2nd Bob Bem-approved.


Next meeting Thurs Aug 8, 7 PM at Palatine Hill clubhouse.

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greg brunks greg brunks

2019-06 Board Meeting Minutes



Call to order:  7:05 PM


Present:  Mike Bower, Bob Bem, Eric Schorsch, Larry Niemcyzyk, Joe Petricca, Bob Mathieson, Harry Spila, Greg Brunks, Dan Stockwell, Jim Toth, Bob Doherty, Bill Knudsen, Karl Costello, John Help, Joe Saccomanno, Larry Niemczyk and Bill Crowley.


Absent:  Jim Jessogne, Jim Romanek, Dan Hotchkin and Tim Geier


Board thanked Karl Costello for his service in the PHGA as Karl is moving to Arizona. 


Committee Reports


1.    Meeting minutes of 5/9/19.  Motion to approve as amended, 1st Joe Saccomanno, 2nd Mike Bower, approved.  Discussion as to printed minutes at future meeting.  Motion to  send in Word format and not printed minutes.  Motion, Greg Brunks 1st, Mike Bower 2nd-approved.


2.   Golf Course update- Mike Bower gave update-Course trying to keep up with mowing with all the rain.  Deep rough on hole 9 before bridge and left side of hole 18.  Greens mowed to 5-10. Mike  requested to Dan Hotchkin that par 3 dirt repair to be checked and some of the pin flags are crooked.  Mike also asked that ground under repair be marked.



3.   Treasurers report-Joe Saccomanno- 159 members, revenue $17,742.98 with budgeted expenses of $7,576.75. Detailed balance sheet handed out by Sacco.  Motion to approve, 1st Bob

Doherty, 2nd Karl Costello-approved. 

Open discussion on use of credit cards/pay pal to pay dues, events, etc.  Greg Brunks, Bob Bem to run tests with Joe Saccomanno to see if feasible. 


4.    Park District Report-Joe Petricca.  No report.


5.   Webmaster Report- Greg Brunks to place survey on front page of website for feedback from members as to “customer friendly”, locating information and asked for suggestions.



6.   Scorekeeper Update- Bob Bem- Bob walked us thru the scorecard lineup change, how to access players on website and explained different columns.  Bob also recommended that we shelve the idea of new system marketing until 2020 as we have to fine tune the program.  No discussion-all agree.  Bob mentioned that he has all information needed for the TCTB.


7.   Travel Event.  Bob Bem.  Highlands of Elgin on Thurs June 20 with  32 golfers and field is full.


8.   MIP program-Bob Bem-2019 event fully funded-no report.



9.   New Members-Karl Costello- Karl reported we have 20 new members in 2019. Since Karl is moving to Arizona, Karl will download and send new member data to the New Member

Chairman for 2020.  In addition, Karl volunteered to remain Chairman for the balance of 2019.


10.                 Match Play- Bob Mathieson- 1st round completed with final round match set up this weekend. 


11.                 Gem Committee- Bob Mathieson- no issues


12.                 Member Guest Sept 14-Bob Mathieson- Had 1st committee meeting.  Food to be served at Palatine Hills -Open Kitchen.  Looking into chipping event prior to golf.  Usual turnout is 40/50 players and 60/70 for dinner.  Cost to be $150.00 per 2 man team.  Bob already sent email blast to the members


13.                 Rules of Play-Eric Schorsch and Bob Doherty- 2019 rule changes on bulletin board.  Some confusion with members on provisional ball, penalty shots and where to place ball. 


14.                  Pace of Play-Erick Schorsch-new rules have speeded up play such as leaving flag stick in hole when putting and 2 stoke penalty from fairway instead of returning to tee.  Eric remarked it will take some time for all players to be comfortable with new rules.


15.                 Historian-John Helpap-no report.


16.                 Member Health-All-  Del Foster, Jim Nolan, Dick Stones having health issues.


17.                 4th of July Event-H. Spila, Karl Costello- Sign up envelopes near black box.  John Helpap suggested to combine event payouts for winners. This will cut down the payout time as each winner will be called once to receive multiple payouts. 


Old  Business


1.    Secure Black Box- Bob Doherty and Eric Schorsch-Dan Hotchkin will discuss with Brad Helms how to secure the black box.


2.   Memorial Day Wrap Up-Mike Bower-discussion concerning the 4th of July  possible rain out and how to resolve.  Mike suggested the 4th of July committee discuss with the Memorial Day chairpeople to establish a precedent.


3.   Adopt a Hole-Harry Spila and Dan Stockwell-no report.


4.   PHGA Elections- Article VI, Section III:  Mike Bower, Bob Doherty and Dan Stockwell passed our rule change to the by-laws.  If members request to be placed on the 2020 ballot, your name must be presented to nomination committee by July 31, 2019. 

Nominating committee will select two new directors if nobody volunteers as the by-laws written guide us as to  two new directors per year.

Article VI, Section III. Any PHGA member can nominate him/her self as a candidate for any Executive Committee position within 30 days of election or July 31(whichever date comes first).  The candidate will be placed on the ballot with his/her picture plus the office in which they seek.


Motion to adjourn at 8:55 PM, 1st Bill Crowley, 2nd Dan Stockwell approved.


Next meeting Thurs July 11, 7 PM at clubhouse.


Submitted by Secretary Bill Crowley, June 18, 2019.

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2019-05 Board Meeting Minutes



Call to order: 7:00 PM


Present:  Mike Bower, Bob Bem, Eric Schorsch, Jim Jessogne, Larry Niemczyk, Joe Petricca, Bob Mathieson, Harry Spila, Greg Brunks, Jim

Romanek, Dan Stockwell, Jim Toth, Dan Hotchkin, Tim Geier, Bill Crowley


Absent:  Bob Doherty, Bill Knudsen, Karl Costello, John Helpap, Joe Saccomanno


1.    Minutes of April 11.  Motion to approve, 1st Bob Bem and 2nd Jim Jessogne-Approved.


2.    Golf Course Update-Pro Dan Hotchkin.  Gewalt Hamilton Construction to present update to Park Board concerning culvert repair on hole 15-16.  Dan also mentioned the dirt mound on hole 16 is from dredging and will be regraded.


3.   Treasurers Report-Mike Bower shared an updated spread sheet with expenses and revenue as of May 9.  Bottom line is plus $11,426.98.  Motion to approve-1st Jim Toth and 2nd Bob Bem-approved.

Open discussion on use of Pay Pal and or credit cards to pay dues,

Events, etc.  Greg Brunks and Bob Bem shared that all have costs around 3% surcharge.

Motion to table until next meeting when treasurer is present.

1st Mike Bower -2nd Bill Crowley-approved.


4.    Park District Report-Joe Petricca-no report. 


5.    Webmaster Update-Greg Brunks-Dan Stockwell will send Greg Brunks information on Ryder Cup to post on website.  Also, Turkey Shoot info in pot game schedule and needs to be posted on    website.


6.   Scorekeeper-Bob Bem-new program working well.  Takahashi tournament now posted on web site and testing is positive.

Program marketing strategy tabled until next meeting.


7.   Travel Events-Bob Bem -1st event of the year on May 16-Bartlett Hills has 20 players. 


8.   MIP Program-Bob Bem- Program is set for the year and next update will be in August 2019.


9.   New Members- Mike Bower- 18 new members per spreadsheet sent by Karl Costello.


10.                 Match Play-Bob Mathieson-  32 players completed the field.  Each round will be posted on website and players to post on board in back room.  Once again we are battling the weather.


11.                 Gem Committee-Bob Mathieson-working well as outlined on website.


12.                 Member Guest-Bob Mathieson.  Date is Sept 14.  Committee meeting will be held in June as costs will be determined as what to charge entrance fee, etc.


13.                 Rules of Play: Eric Schorsch- Palatine course now red lined penalty area replacing yellow.  Ball in gully on hole 16 in trees on left marked red-penalty.


14.                 Pace of Play: Eric Schorsch-no update


15.                 Historian: no report


16.                 Members Health:all- members and/or past members having health issues: Bill Knudsen, Del Foster, Jim Nolan, Bill Sauerman and Brian Yantis.


17.                 Memorial Day Tournament: Tim Geier and  Larry Niemczyk-as of today 11 have signed up with a 48 slots available . May 19 is the cut off for to enter.  Event will have a bugler and we will dedicate 4 bricks to past members.



Old Business:


1.   Secure Black Box- Dan Hotchkin, Eric Schorsch and Jim Toth looking at ways to secure black box to back wall.  More information at next meeting.


2.   Spring Kick Off- Mike Bower- all went well, no glitches in master plan.


3.   Special Olympics Outing June 6, 2019:  Dan Hotchkin requested ten volunteers to work as cooks, runners, etc.  Niemczyk and Crowley have ten members lined up and will confirm names to Dan Hotchkin.  So far we have Jim Haffey, Dan Stockwell, Bob Mathieson, Bob Silver, Jim Toth, Larry Niemczyk and Bill Crowley.


New Business:


1.   Adopt A Hole: Harry Spila and Dan Stockwell-Looking at possibilities of foursomes to adopt certain holes possibly awarding them with some give a way as golf towel, etc. 

2.   Extra foursome prize from Makray left over from kick off: Mike Bowers-will use for a raffle prize at the Takahashi


Motion to adjourn at 8:30: 1st Jim Toth and 2nd Jim Jessogne


Next meeting June 13, 7 PM. 


Submitted by Secretary Bill Crowley

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greg brunks greg brunks

2019-04 Board Meeting Minutes



Call to order:  7:03 PM


Present:  Mike Bower, Bob Bem, Bob Doherty, Eric Schorsch, Jim Jessogne, Larry Niemczyk, Joe Petricca, Bob Mathieson, Harry Spila, Greg Brunks, Jim Romanek, Dan Stockwell, Jim Toth and PGH Golf Pro Mike Schmelzer.


Absent:  Tim Geier, Dan Hotchkins, Bill Knudsen, Karl Costello, John Helpap and Joe Saccomanno.

1.   Minutes of March 14, 2019, discussion, moved to approve by Jim Jessogne and 2nd by Joe Petricca, approved.


2.    Golf Course Update-Mike Schmelzer.  16th hole, south side of creek the sea wall under repair and will be marked as ground under repair. 


3.    Treasurers Report- Joe Saccomanno absent- Mike Bower handed out updated report/balance sheet which indicates bottom line of positive $9501.75.   To date 71 members have paid dues of $4240. Motion to approve by Dan Stockwell, 2nd by Jim Toth, approved.


4.   Park District Report-Joe Petricca.  No report.


5.   Webmaster Update-Greg Brunks.  Greg gave update on steps to familiarize committee on finding information, calendar, score results, winnings, etc.   Also noted new link to Palatine Hills website.



6.   Scorekeeper-Bob Bem.  Explained new system format, identified individual scoring, information on columns and pot games to combine with total winnings.  Discussion on posting of handicaps on bulletin board. Greg Brunks said he will post handicaps on board every two weeks after changes.   Programmer looking at applying Takahashi tournament scoring.  Mike Bower noted the Board has already approved additional funding of $3,600 maximum to adapt the Takahashi to the website and scoring system


7.    Travel Events-Bob Bem advised that we will have four  18 hole Events in 2019-May 16 at Bartlett Hills, June 20 at Highlands of Elgin, July 25 at Bowes Creek and Aug 15 at Village Links.


8.   MIP Program-Bob Bem-funded for 2019.


9.   New Member Committee-Karl Costello absent - of today we have 11 new members.  Karl Costello and Jim Jessogne to hold an  orientation meeting for new members prior to the 7:00 Kick Off on Friday April 12.  Mike Bower will welcome each new member.


10.                 Match play-Bob Mathieson-32 players filled the filled.  Note that results of each match will be posted on website.


11.                  Gem Committee- Bob Mathieson-confirmed addition of black tees now added to the scoring program.  Due to health issues some members have/will generate new handicaps based on five rounds of play. Approved by the GEM committee.


     12. Member Guest- Bob Mathieson-event will be played on Sept 14, 2019.   More information at May Board meeting as to location of food and drink, costs, etc.


     13.  Rules of Play for 2019.  Eric Schorsch and Bob Doherty-  to hold Rules of Play meeting held on Friday April 12 at 6:00-6:30 PM with an overview at the regular meeting.  Eric has new PGA Rule books for members.


14.  Pace of Play-Eric Schorsch- will incorporate into Rules meeting above.


15.  Historian-John Helpap-absent -no report.


16.  Member Health-members who are going thru some health issues-Del Foster, Larry Kozlicki, Jim Nolan and Gary Schwietz.


Old Business


1.    Bylaw changes for board positions-Bob Doherty- no further discussions on changes approved at meeting on Thurs, March 14, 2019.

           Refer to meeting minutes on said date.


2.    Additional funds approved for scoring system-Mike Bower-approved at March 14, Board meeting.  $3600 approved by Board at said meeting.


3.    Black Tee option approved.  Mike Bower-refer to Board meeting minutes of March 14.  Approved by Board at said meeting and added to scoring system.


New Business.

1.    Salute Update-Bill Crowley-Charity golf outing to support veterans in need to be held by  Salute on July 15 at Rolling Green Country Club. To date have $9,000 in sponsors.  Email blast with details to be sent to members in mid-April. 


2.   Spring Kick Off-Mike Bower-

  Friday April 12,

 6-6:30PM- Eric Schorsch to hold class on new 2019 Rules of Play

 6:30-7:0O  Karl Costello to hold new member orientation.

 7-9:00PM-  Food, drink, raffle, pay dues, pay Scramble fees, Salute intro, new members introduction, rules introduction and fellowship

Mike Bower to introduce new members.

Two Person Scramble-Karl Costello and Bob Doherty

Pizza and Beer-Jim Toth and Jim Jessogne

Raffle prizes-Mike Bower and Karl Costello

Raffle ticket sales-Larry Niemczyk


 Sat April 13,  8:00 AM-full field of 34 two man teams start the season with a 2 ball scramble.


3.    Missing computer found


4.   Discussion on securing black box- Jim Toth and Eric Schorsch will look for a way to secure the box against theft.


Motion to adjourn by Mike Bower and 2nd by Bill Crowley.

Meeting adjourned at 8:18 PM


Next meeting 7:00, May 9, Thurs at Clubhouse.


Submitted by your Secretary Bill Crowley

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greg brunks greg brunks

2019-03 Board Meeting Minutes


Call to order:  7:03 PM


PRESENT:  Mike Bower, Bob Bem, Bob Doherty, Tim Geier, Eric Schorsch, Dan Hotchkins, Jim Jessogne, Bill Knudsen, Larry Niemczyk, Joe Petricca, Bob Mathieson, Harry Spila, Bill Crowley.


ABSENT:  Greg Brunks, Karl Costello, Jim Romanek, Dan Stockwell, John Helpap, Joe Saccomanno, Jim Toth.


1.      Minutes of 2-7-19.  Minor change to MIP program, motion to approve 1st Bob Doherty and 2nd

Jim Jessogne.  Approved


2.     Golf Course Update-Pro Dan Hotchkins

a.     Earliest to open will be 3-25 due to wet/frozen grounds.

b.     Lost some trees but not a major issue.

c.      In budget $100,000 to start first phase to control flooding.  Possible to start in 2020 in culvert area and should not be an issue for the golfers.

d.     Special Olympics date 6-6-19. Dan requested 10 volunteers from the PHGA.  Larry Niemczyk and Bill Crowley to organize volunteers.


3.      Treasurers Report-Joe Sacco absent.  Computer expense of $2275.  Motion to table until April meeting, Bob Bem 1st and 2nd Jim Jessogne-approved.


4.      Park District Report- Joe Petricca-Budget passed with 1st phase approval for $100,000 to start repairs on  flooding issue at golf course. 


5.     Committee Assignments Update.   Eric Schorsch accepted chairman of Adopt A Hole. 


6.     Webmaster Update- Greg Brunks absent- Bob Bem reported Greg has been changing and updating website and is on target.  Suggestion from the floor to add a website link to

the Palatine Hills Golf Course, Bob mentioned he would bring issue to Greg’s attention to add.


7.      Scorekeeper-Bob Bem

a.     New system Version 1.0 on stream and complete.

b.     Takahashi Classic.  Bob sent spread sheets to Mark the programmer to look at possible costs to continue with program.  Bob reported that the future update costs will have a window of $2,800 to 3,600 expense.  Bob motioned to approve future costs with a $3,600 maximum, discussion, motion 1st by Bob Doherty and 2nd by Bill Crowley, motion carried/ approve


8.     Travel Events- Bob Bem. Travel events to be held on 5/16, 6/20, 7/25 and 8/15.   Bob to send information  to members as to course, format, costs, etc.  Approved by committee members, B. Bem, D. Stockwell and Fred Hall.  If B.Bem does not attend the event, he can do the scoring and post it on the website if a player in attendance sends a photo copy of the scorecards.  Players will receive their payouts before leaving the course.


9.      MIP program. Funded for 2019.  In addition same mystery donor will provide a Makray  foursome for the spring kick off raffle on April 12. 


10.    New Member Committee-Karl Costello absent but sent detailed update for meeting.  To date we have 7 new members.  Karl to send an email St Patrick’s day weekend to the members reminding them to recruit. Karl also sent an update on the Scramble in which 13 teams have already  signed up to play. .  Karl mentioned the Scramble is a great way to bring in a new member as a partner. Another email will be sent to the members reminding them to attend.


11.  Match Play: Bob Mathieson- to date we have 14 sign ups with a field of 32 max. 


12.  Gem Committee- Bob Mathieson.  Bob handed out update to Gem program.  With committee approval the black tees have been added for those golfers with a handicap of 8 or below. Black tee players must maintain 8 handicap or revert back to the blue tees after their first five qualifying rounds.  Changes have to be requested thru Gem committee with one change per year.  Updated information to be placed by Bob Bem on website. 


13.  Member Guest-Bob Mathieson. Report tabled until April meeting.


14.  Rules Of Play- Eric Schorsch and Bob Doherty.  Adoption of USGA Rules of Play for the local rule.

As described in Palatine Hills Scorecard, preferred lies(winter rules) adverse course condition and alternative to stroke and distance. Unanimous approval by the board.  See website for 2019 rule changes.  Eric Schorsch volunteered to hold a 30-45 minute seminar on 2019 Rules Change prior to Kick Off reception on April 12.


15.   Pace Of Play- Eric Schorsch. Eric gave us many suggestion to improve pace of play.  Refer to USGA Rule 18.2a lost ball, rule 17.3 limiting ball to identity, rule 13.1 actions allowed on putting green and rule 13.2a leaving flagstick in hole.  In addition: ready golf, plan your shot ahead of time, mark your ball, help others find ball, green and putt when ready.  Cart golf: drop off partner and go to your ball, exit green promptly, score at next tee box.  Help search others for missing ball but after you hit your own ball to keep the game moving.


16.   Historian-John Helpap absent. No report.


17.  Members health:  Gary Schwietz-still going thru tests and treatment. 




              By-law changes for board positions:  Bob Doherty

PHGA proposed law change under Article VI Section III.

After “The secretary shall email notice of the annual elections to all regular members along with the instructions as to procedure”.

“The nominating committee shall present their recommended slate to the full board for approval for the ensuing year.  The nomination committee slate will be noted on the ballot as the nominating committee proposed slate.  Should any other active PHGA member wish to nominated himself/herself as a candidate for any of the Executive Committee position he/she may do so within thirty days of election or July 31(whichever date comes first), he/she will be placed on the ballot with his/her picture plus the office in which they are seeking election”

Above motion was proposed by Bob Doherty and 2nd by Bob Bem.  Discussion and approved by Board.




1.      Salute update:  Bill Crowley.  Salute website is open to accept golfers and sponsors:    This year we are earmarking funds for a young parachutists who was mangled  in a jump.  The golf outing will be held at Rolling Green Country club, Rolling Meadow on Monday July 15, 2019.  We expect to have another full slate of 120 golfers with the support of the PHGA volunteers.  Fred Hall is this year Chairman and we ask for key sponsors for the luncheon, outing green and practice range. We ask for volunteers to work mainly from 9:30 to noon. Also requested will be items for the silent auction.   Larry Kozlicki has already committed to be our main donor for naming rights under Time Savers/Salute Charity Golf Outing.

I will be sending out email blasts after the kick off activities in April.


2.      Spring Kick Off Friday April 12/ Scramble April 13. Mike Bower

Kick Off Friday, April 12 at 6:15-6:30 seminar on 2019 rules change.  Followed by 7:00 PM

Food, drink, raffle, introduction to new program and scoring. No cost but ask for a $25.00 min donation for a raffle prize.  Also 49th PHGA Anniversary letter sent out to ask for donations from retailers, restaurants, etc.  At meeting can pay dues and Scramble costs.

2 man scramble held at Palatine Hills on Sat April 13 with start at 8 AM. $20 team entrance.

Inform Mike Bower/Karl Costello of team with PHGA member number.  


Next meeting Thursday, April 11 at Palatine Hills Clubhouse


Motion to adjourn at 9:00 PM, 1st Jim Jessogne, 2nd Bob Doherty and approved.


Secretary Bill Crowley

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greg brunks greg brunks

2019-02 Board Meeting Minutes

PHGA Board Meeting (2/7/19) = Minutes (FINAL)

Palatine Hills Clubhouse (7PM)

Recorder: Karl Costello subbing for Bill Crowley

Call to Order: 7PM


PRESENT: Bob Bem, Mike Bower, Greg Brunks, Karl Costello, Bob Doherty, Tim Geier, Dan Hotchkin, Jim Jessogne, Bill Knudsen, Larry Niemczyk, Joe Petricca, Jim Romanek, Dan Stockwell


ABSENT: Bill Crowley, John Helpap, Bob Mathieson, Joe Saccomanno, Harry Spila, Jim Toth

1. Minutes of Dec. 13, 2018 Mtg. (Karl Costello subbing for Bill Crowley)

  1. Minor changes made to MIP information

  2. Jim J.  motion; Dan S. 2nd; approved                         


2. Golf Course Update (Dan Hotchkin)

  1. Permanent Tee Times Start April 27 (one week later than normal)

  2. Palatine Hills Two Man Event (April 20)

  3. PHGA Two Man Spring Scramble (April 13)

  4. Dan is willing to provide USGA Rules updates for PHGA members to start 2019 season

  5. PHGA Member/Guest may be moved to an earlier date; Dan currently in discussions about this with Bob M.

  6. Dan and Patrick Kissane have discussed Palatine Hills hosting a competition involving other local Golf Associations during 2019 (a Friday PM would be the ideal date/time).


3. Treasurer’s Report (includes 2019 budget analysis) (Joe Saccomanno absent; Mike Bower presented an abbreviated report)

  1. 2019 dues increased to $60.00 - needs to be communicated to entire membership

  2. Bob B. motion to table report until March PHGA Board meeting; Karl C, 2nd.


4. Park District Report (Joe Petricca) - No Report


5. Committee Assignment Update (Mike Bower)

  1. New Member Committee is missing Jim Behrendt now; Jim resigned his position from the Board.  The NM Committee Chair will remain open for the short term, but Karl C. will fill-in as acting Chair.

  2. Bob Doherty will approach Eric Schorsch to determine if Eric is willing to replace Jim B. on the PHGA Board

  3. Adopt-A-Hole is also in need of a Chair

  4. Discussion took place about developing a PHGA 50th Anniversary Brochure


6. Webmaster Presentation (Greg Brunks)

  1. Registration online discussed briefly.  Board reached a consensus that the membership. at this time, is not fully prepared to make any transition to online registration.

  2. USGA Rules Updates discussed:

    1. focus on OB/Lost Ball change to USGA rules - Greg B. has uploaded info. pertaining specifically to this rule (and others) on the PHGA website

    2. early consensus to encourage members to putt with the flag IN and/or discuss before teeing off WHO will control handling the flagstick.

    3. Greg B. has prepared an email to begin the education of the 2019 USGA Rule changes for the entire membership

  3. Scoring results will be automatically uploaded to the website once all scorecards are turned in and scores entered into the computer by the designated scorer; then members will be able to access immediately on their cell phones/computers these results.


7. On-Line Event Registration (Greg Brunks) - see agenda item #6. a. above


8. Scorekeeper Update (Bob Bem)

  1. New system status

    1. Up and running (ie. set up for year end payouts and printing of envelopes)

    2. New system’s capability would enable Bob B. to “score out” Travel Events from his home

  2. 2019 Membership Roster will no longer be posted on the website.  Greg B. will email at the beginning of the year a 2019 PHGA membership roster (as an attachment) to all members enabling all to have contact info. of fellow members (Bill K. motion; Karl C. 2nd; approved)

  3. Possible future cost anticipated for latest upgrades to the new scoring system = $23.00/hour @90? Bob B. still negotiating this with developer Mark Nagle.

  4. Black Tees are now included as a viable tee designation for any PHGA member selecting to play from the Black tees.  The GEM Committee will determine these designations based on handicap criteria (ie. proposed handicap of 6 or less) and the existing application process.

  5. Minimum # of PHGA players required for an event to be official is 8.

9. Travel Events (Bob Bem) - see agenda item 8. a. ii. above

10. MIP Program (Bob Bem/Dan Stockwell) - funded for next 3 years


11. New Members (Karl Costello pro temp replacing Jim Behrendt)

  1. 1 (one) new member (Mike Nugent) - click on LINK PHGA 2016/2017/2018/2019 New Member Spread Sheet.xlsx

  2. After May 1 any PHGA member not paying their 2019 dues ($60.00) will have to pay a $70.00 renewal fee.


12. Match Play (Bob Mathieson) - no report


13. GEM Committee (Bob Mathieson) - no report


14. Member Guest (Bob Mathieson) - no report


15. Rules of Play for 2019 (Greg Brunks/Bob Doherty)

  1. Local OB rule - see agenda item 6. b. i. above

  2. Others - see agenda items 6. b. ii. and iii. above


16. Pace of Play (Greg Brunks)

  1. Ranger Discussion

    1. Effectiveness pertaining to “Pace of Play”; Dan H. indicated that effectiveness is a by-product of two factors: a rangers’ proactive communication ability and a golfer’s listening ability

    2. Dan H. also recommended the PHGA Board review the “Pace-of-Play” times Dan posts throughout the season.  The Board would then follow up with that particular group. Greg B. stated he would focus on this during season.

  2. Other - no issues


17. Historian (John Helpap) - No report


18. Member Health (All)

  1. Larry N. reported that 3 Bricks (Bernie Rogers, George Gahalla; John Vlcek) and holding have already been established for the 2019 season

  2. Gary S. attended the Palatine Park District VOTY Luncheon (Feb. 2) and looked great!!

  3. Bill K. present at VOTY (Feb. 2) and Feb. 7 PHGA Board member - vision issues improving!!

  4. Mike W. new knee


19. Old Business (All)

  1. Karl Costello departure update (Mike Bower) - ETD May/June 2019

  2. By – law changes for board positions (Bob Doherty) - tabled until March Meeting



20. New Business: (All)

  1. Jim Behrendt Replacement (Mike Bower) - see agenda item #5. b.

  2. Salute 2/6 meeting results (Mike Bower)

    1. Anticipating another sell-out in 2019

    2. Sponsorships have started well = Dinner, Beer Hole and Cart Sponsors closed!

    3. Single ($195.00); Foursome ($1,000.00 = includes lunch, dinner, greens fees, 2 carts and a hole sponsorship)

  3. Greg B. proposed the idea of soliciting sponsors for ad space on the PHGA website = another revenue source to offset costs for Scoring System.

  4. Jim J. proposed a PHGA Super Bowl Party Event to promote good fellowship to be hosted at the Palatine Hills Clubhouse; couples event. Jim J. and Bob D. volunteered to further research this new Event for possible launch in 2020.

  5. Karl C. mentioned that a CDGA Net Series Event will be held at Palatine Hills (July 2019)


21. Adjourn (8:49PM):  Adjournment = Bob D. motion; All 2nd = approved.

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2018-12 Board Meeting Minutes

PHGA Board Meeting Minutes

Salute HQS-7 PM

Call to Order 6:50 PM

PRESENT:  Mike Bower, Bob Doherty, Karl Costello, Bill Crowley, Joe Saccomanno, Bob Bem, Greg Brunks, Tim Geier, Bob Mathieson, Joe Petricca, Jim Romanek, Harry Spila, Jim Toth, Dan Hotchkins,  Brad Helms, Steve Nagel, Fred Hall.

 ABSENT:  Dan Stockwell(connected via tele conference), Jim Behrendt, John Helpap, Jim Jessogne, Bill Knudsen, Larry Niemczyk

1. Minutes of Oct 11, 2018 Meeting(Bill Crowley)- Karl C motion, Bob B 2nd-approved

2. Golf Course Update(Brad Helms, Steve Nagel, Dan Hotchkins) extensive review of proposed updates from engineering companies since 2010 with possible improvements to clubhouse, flooding issues and practice facilities.   Up for approval in 2019, improvements earmarked for completion in 2020-channel and/or culvert improvements at a cost of approximately 2.5 million.

 3. Treasurers report:  Joe Saccomanno- Joe distributed balance sheet thru Oct 11, 2018.   Balance sheet reflects a net balance of $8227.  Decision to remove Pay Pal as the procedure is inconvenient and additional costs.   Motion to approve budget by Bob B, 2nd Karl C and approved.

 4.  2019 Dues Discussion:  Mike Bower-In light of new scoring program and to increase the cushion back to approximately $8,000  The motion was made by Bob Doherty to increase annual dues to $60 per year.   Discussion the increase would be a three year payback to pay the program cost.  Motion, 2nd by Bob B and approved.

 5.   Park District Report:  Joe Petricca-  no report.

 6.   Committee Reports:  Mike Bower- Bob Bem:  Scorekeeper 2019 committee to include H. Spila, T. Geier and S. Feldmiller.  Bob B reported that new scoring program to be completed for 2019 season.  

 7.   Webmaster Presentation:  Greg Brunks- New website to be running in Dec 2018.   Slide presentation to familiarize the Board with the updates.  New scoring program will not print results but can be viewed on smart phones or home computer.  Golfers will have a three year history of scores/results.  Greg B switched providers from Blue Host to Squarespace.

 8.  Travel Events:  Bob Bem-sent out email to members to see who would be interested in hosting any/all the events.   Bob mentioned three members showed an interest to host or help:  Carl Stevens, Fred Hall and Jim Fieck.  Bob will follow up and report more information at the Feb meeting.

 9.  MIP Program(Most Improve Player):  Bob Bem- 2019 will be the 2nd year of a four program.  On schedule for 2019 and within budget.  Most Improved Players for the 2018 season were: Doug James, Dave Henneman and Bill Knudsen.

 10.  New Member:-Jim Behrendt- no report as Jim is not able to attend tonight’s meeting

 11.  Match Play:  Bob Mathieson- no report- committee to review program after 1st of the year.

 12.  Gem Program:  Bob Mathieson- no report-committee to review program after 1st of year.

 13.   Rules of Play:  Greg Brunks/Bob Doherty- New website will have all the 2019 changes/rules on website.  Rules committee to review any deviations from rules of play for the PHGA.

14. Pace of Play: Greg Brunks-Discussion as to rangers to be more involved in pace of play.  Greg B to contact Dan Hotchkins to see if rangers can time on holes 6, 9 and 16.  Also post pin position on 1st hole or starter to inform players on 1st tee.

15.  Historian:  John Helpap- no report as John is not able to attend meeting.

16.  Members Health:  All.  Bill Knudsen to have additional eye operation on detached retina.  Larry Niemczyk tore ham string and will be recovering six to eight weeks.   Gary Schwietz still fighting and going thru a chill period. 

Old Business:

1.    Karl Costello Departure:   Karl moving to Arizona and move will be determined on sale of his Chicago condo.   Position of Vice President to be filled by Karl until his departure.  Further discussion in Feb 2019.


2.   VOTY(Volunteer of the year).  Doug James will be honored on Feb 2, 2019 at the Cotillion for his volunteer work with the PHGA.  Members that would like to attend please notify Mike Bower before the end of the year. 


3.   By Law Changes: Bob Doherty- discussion on changing wording in by laws as who and how an member is eligible to run for a major position on the Board.   Bob D proposed an amendment.  Tabled for further discussion at Feb meeting.


4.   Salute: Fred Hall- Fred H thanked the PHGA for the support given to Salute for our veterans the past two years.    Fred H, Chairman for the Salute Golf outing on July 15, 2019, Monday at Rolling Green asked for continued support as players, sponsors, diners and volunteers.


Respectfully submitted by Secretary Bill Crowley on Dec 15, 2018.

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2018-10 Board Meeting Minutes

PHGA Board Meeting Minutes DRAFT Oct 11, 2018

Palatine Hills Clubhouse, 7 PM


Call to Order 7 PM By President Mike Bower.


PRESENT:  Mike Bower, Karl Costello, Bill Crowley, John Helpap, Dan Hotchkins, Bob Mathieson, Larry Niemczyk, Joe Petricca, Jim Romanek, Dan Stockwell, Jim Toth, Harry Spila, Bob Bem and  Jim Behrendt


ABSENT:  Joe Saccomanno, Jim Jessogne, Greg Brunks, Tim Geier, Bob Doherty


SALUTE:  Executive Director Mary Beth Beiersdorf thanked the Board for supporting the 2018 golf outing.   Over $25,000 was raised to help our veterans

As The PHGA volunteers were responsible for the majority of the money and hours donated.


MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER:  Unanimously approved.


NEW BOARD MEMBERS:  President Mike Bower welcomed Harry Spila and Jim Behrendt.


TREASURERS REPORT:   Motion to table until Dec 13 meeting as Joe Saccomanno is absent and questions concerning more comprehensive report to indicate income, expenses and bottom line balance.  Motion by Jim Toth, 2nd by

Bob Bem and unanimously approved.


PARK DISTRICT REPORT:   Joe Petricca no report.  


GOLF COURSE UPDATE:  Head Pro Dan Hotchkins- tough year with rainouts-course in good shape for Ryder Cup.  Discussion by Board with comments by  Harry Spila, and John Helpap  concerning how to improve the flooding of holes 15-16-17-18.  

Possible meeting with Brad Helms and/or construction company Gewald Hannick.


COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS:   Updated assignment sheet sent out to Board by President Mike Bower on Oct 19.   In addition the new webmaster is Greg Brunks


SCOREKEEPER:   Bob Bem new program.  A little behind schedule but should be up to time line after upcoming meeting with programmer Mark Nagle, Bob Bem and Tim Geier.


TRAVEL EVENTS:   Jim Jessogne absent.  Update tabled to Dec or Feb meeting.   Bob Bem to send out email to members to determine who would be interested in chairing the travel events.


NEW MEMBERS:   Karl Costello- plus 22 members in 2018.   2019 chairman will be Jim Behrendt.


MEMBER GUEST:  Bob Mathieson reported 42 players and event is well received by members.   Bob looking into having the food served at Palatine Hills next year to keep all activities in one location.


GEM COMMITTEE:   Bob Mathieson reported program is working well and no changes expected.


MATCH PLAY:   Rain backed most matches up this year however all matches were played and winners awarded.  Winners announced in Sept minutes and format the same for 2019.


RULES OF PLAY:  Greg Brunks absent but member John Helpap recommended three books from the PGA.  Change of Rules, Unabridged Rules of Golf and Decision Book.


PACE OF PLAY:   Greg Brunks absent-no report.


LABOR DAY: event cancelled due to rain.


HISTORIAN:  John Helpap- no report


MEMBER HEALTH-  Bill Knudsen emergency eye surgery.   Don Kriley, former member had a heart attack.






    TAKAHASHI:   Comments from members, BBQ Ribs and chicken good.  Steaks were fair.   Event and supplemental standing posted.


MOST IMPROVED- Bob Bem and Dan Stockwell reported program is funded for 2019. Same format.




Karl Costello to move to Arizona in fall of 2019 but will fulfill VP duties in 2019.


VOTY- Bob Bem and Dan Stockwell reported luncheon is scheduled in Feb. 2019 to honor our VOTY, Doug James.


SALUTE:   Bill Crowley entered a motion to roll the $500 seed money to Salute for the 2019 Golf Outing on July 15, Monday.  Motion discussed and approved.


BY-LAW CHANGES FOR BOARD PRESIDENT:   Tabled until Dec or Feb meeting. 


2019 MEMBER DUES INCREASE:  Tabled until Dec or Feb meeting. 


Respectfully submitted by Bill Crowley Sec, Oct 17, 2018


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2018-08 Board Meeting Minutes

PHGA Board Meeting Minutes (Aug 9, 2018)

Palatine Hills Clubhouse, 7:00PM


Call to Order:


PRESENT: Bob Bem, Mike Bower, Greg Brunks, Karl Costello, Bill Crowley, Bob Doherty, Mark Faruzzi, Tim Geier, John Helpap, Jim Jessogne, Bill Knudsen, Bob Mathieson, Larry Niemczyk, Joe Petricca, Jim Romanek, Dan Stockwell, Jim Toth


ABSENT: Bill Horton, Dan Hotchkin, Joe Saccomanno


1.   Minutes of July 12, 2018 Mtg. (Karl Costello): Motion - Jim J; 2nd -Jim T.; Minutes approved.


2.   Golf Course Update (Dan Hotchkin): No report

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